Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Paleo / Raw fu and knee results

Morning friends.

Guess what, the results were in yesterday. But for a change my doc wasn't in. Hahaha. He's on vacation this week. Lucky me.
But there isn't just one doc and the other doc was so nice to call me back later that evening.
With BAD news.

Yes, I've got a baker's cyst. But it's quite small and not the real problem.
The real problem is: tadaaaaa, my squished meniscus.
Yep, I've got one of the most common problems of runners. Weak muscles.

Fortunately there is a solution: strengthening the muscles around my knees with giving the meniscus time to heal.

So my next steps are:
- no running for the next month (but cycling and swimming and strength training),
- making an appointment with my ostheopath to speed up the healing process and get some more strengthening drills (done),
- getting the picture CD with the MRIs to go to a good orthopedist (runner or triathlete),
- getting a prescription for drill training at a medical gymnast and
- most importantly getting rid of the excess fat, meaning eating a healthy diet 24/7.

And with that we are at the next topic: FOOD (Mampf Diary).

Like I said yesterday I opened the battle against my body fat (reason for muffin tops and what's worse inflammations and therefore bad skin and the knee problems). Over the last years I tried different eating styles. By far the best for my body and skin were Raw Food and Paleo Diet. So I'll go on a combination of both from now on for the rest of my life. It's a combination, because I need a lot more proteine than most raw food diets contain. And I won't eat raw fish, meat and eggs on a daily basis, that's going too far!!!!

Additionally I realized something. As soon as I get home (my parents house) I fall back into my old habits taking on my child role and wanting to eat right away. Even if I'm not hungry at all in the streetcar. I only need to see the door and my brain goes on automatic and want's me to eat mountains of bad food. Pavlovian reflex at it's best. Well, I've canned another reflex in the last few weeks successfully. So with a little work and iron will I'll conquer this reflex too. Watch out.

One of the many advantages from living in a big city as Leipzig is that I get my hands even on fresh exotic produce. Yesterday I checked out an asian shop in the city. They had quite inexpensive pak choi and bean sprouts. So I got myself a bag of sprouts. No pak choi since I still had some lettuce left at home.

Additionally I went to my local whole food store and got Tofu and strawberry juice.

With these lovely ingredients I whipped up my fantastic and really healthy dinner:

Lettuce, cherry tomatoes, bean sprouts, basil tofu, flax- and hemp seed, strawberry-mustard-pumpkin seed oil-vinaigrette. Yumm and so healthy. I still have a problem to make the right amount. I ended up having made three bowls of this size. I ate them with chop sticks to eat slow, normally I eat too fast.

Today I'll get pak choi after class. I've never eaten it, so I'm quite curious of the taste and what I can do with it.

As of today I change my breakfast routine a bit. I'll incorporate a bowl of fresh cut fruit to it. So todays breakfast consisted of: my usual chocolate protein shake (400ml), my lovely Blue Garden black tea and a banana + half a pear.

And this is my lunch: radish, the other half of the pear, one red bell pepper and two boiled eggs.

Hope your knees are all right.




    Geez, I am speechless, all this time for that, one of the quickiest things to see on an MRI. Sorry to hear that, good news is that you dont need surgery, I have a torn meniscus in my left knee that I didnt have surgery for and I feel fine.

  2. No! It's not a torn meniscus! It's a contusion(?), it's a bit to strained or overworked but not torn. But yeah, took them quite a while to figure that out.

  3. Sorry to hear about the knee, but at least you now have answers and you can start the healing process. Biking and swimming will be great workouts!!
