Sunday 9 May 2010

Taste Bud Adventures - Week 3 - Mini Tomato & Mozzi Salad

Good evening.

Welcome to our weekly Taste Bud Adventures. Todays recipe "Mini Tomato and Mozzi Salad".

But before we begin: the obligatory Sunday bike ride review.

Chris and I met at 10:15 at her place and oh wonder: she was already out and ready! So we decided to drive around the Cospudener Lake again. This time we had our cameras with us and we stopped every now and the then to take pictures. I will post mine throughout the week. The weather was lovely, sunshine but cool enough to not overheat. Summing it up, I was happy to be out there with her. It's always hard to get up in the first place, but as soon as I hit the road I'm glad that I left my bed.
Here are todays stats:
distance: approx 20 k
time: 2:05 hrs (including several photo stops)
in zone: 1:07 hrs
HR: 123 bpm

One thing I'll do differently next Sunday is: I'll make my bed before I leave the house! It's a huge difference if you come home to an uncluttered room or not. Today I came back to a cluttered room and it drained me off all the good energy. Not a feeling I want to experience again.


Cherry Tomatoes
Mini Mozzarella Balls
Olive oil (extra virgin)
Fresh herb for example chive

Kitchen stuff:
Cutting board
knife to cut the tomatoes
oven-safe portion bowl

1. Preheat the oven if you want to eat warm with molten mozzarella. (180° C = 356° F)
2. Wash the tomatoes (take however many you think you need, hungry you are and depending on the size of your bowl)
3. Give a little bit of the oil into the bowl (max. 1 tablespoon) and swirl it around so that the inside of the bowl is oiled.
4. Cut the tomatoes into small quarters or smaller, depending on the tomato size, cut the mozzarella too.
5. Now "layer" the ingredients. First some tomato quarters, then some mozzarella, then add spices (freshly grinded pepper, salt, spice mix, chives). Repeat until bowl is full or you run out of tomatoes / mozzarella.
6. Put the bowl into the preheated oven for 10 to 20 minutes (depending on your oven and how molten you want the mozzarella). Be careful and use the oven mitts!
7. Take it out, using your oven mitts, when the cheese is molten and put it on a heatsafe surface.

Bon Apetit!
(Careful it's hot!)

You can also eat this as a cold salad.

I hope all of your races were successes and your training went well too(Marits did!). If you have time have a look at Tri Diesels wonderful Mothers Day post. I used this weekend to clean and get rid of old stuff. And I thought about how to write my application letter for my super job. I'll be writing and sending it out before Wednesday.

Have a good start in the new week. In Germany it is fortunately a short one. Thursday is public holiday.


1 comment:

  1. That looks yummy and easy! I might have to try it...
