Wednesday 15 June 2011

Enrolling in a new career

Hey there,

I know this blog wasn't anywhere near anything training related lately, sorry. Thing is, I've added a new career so almost all of ,my time and energy goes into that direction now. Therefore for the next weeks this blog will take a break. Not that you'd miss me anyway.

Just in case you are wondering, I've decided to work as a parttime visual artist. Parttime? Yeah, I'm still an engineer and I'm going to stick with it, after all I didn't battle through bloody thermodynamics for nothing.

I wish you all a wonderful summer, amazing A-, B- and just for fun races, and that the training goes well too.



  1. Hey it's good to hear you have something to focus on for now and will pay the bills, right? Hope everything else is giong well and you're getting some nice warm summer weather!

  2. Hey San, came to say a quick thank you before I ran out, and wish you a good weekend too, then I saw this. REALLY CURIOUS what a part time visual artist does, please email me!

    Must run - would love to see what you'll do visually - GOOD FOR YOU! xx
